{Giving examples}
The season that I love is winter! I love winter for so many reasons, but I think that the most important are that it is when you have your lovely holidays. So you can see a little of rain falling out the sky and it is when the bright and beautiful snow appears, also it is so great because you can make funny snow men with your friends and family.
Another reason it is that because of the cold weather you can stay at home drinking hot chocolate and join it with delicious cookies that you can cook in a "home activity" while is raining outside. So finally, winter is fabolous for all those reasons, and also because it is a great time to weat lots of georgeous coats and boots and if your are a girl, you know what I mean.
{Using sensory details}
When winter comes I feel alive! The bright and geourgeous snow that covers cities and mountains makes you think how generous mother nature is with the beauty that she give us to contemplate of how magnificent the season with cold and rain can be.
Winter is the warm of being in family. I think that that is why winter is so cold, because it wants to us to be closer to the people that we love, so thanks winter for being the most cuddle season full of love.
When I think in winter I feel the sweetest taste inside of me, like a cup of hot chocolate with tinny marshmallows that joins you in a cold night next to a bonfire. And when the sky cries it is not for sadness, it is because our lovely winter sky is so happy for us, because we are enjoying the poweful beauty that comes with every single warmer season, meaning winter of course.
{Telling an incident}

The coldest winter ever! This happened five years ago, but I remember kike it was yesterday. A friend and I were in "La Tirana" town on July 13, a night before my birthday, so we decided to celebrated my birthday earlier waiting to be 12 o'cklock. So we went to a friend's house and we party there until four a.m, and at that time my brother calls me to say happy birthday and to tells me that my mon and my family were very angry at me because I did not show up at my place becayse my family had a little celebration prepared for me, and I realized that I totally forgot about it, so my friend and I run so fast and it was so far from where we were. When we got there all the lights were off and noone opened the door, so we started to search for our keys and we did not have the keys with us, so we tired to call to my mom, but somehow I lost my phone while we were running, and we thought on went back to my friend's house, but the streets were so dark and scaries that we decided to stay there.
And we did until 07:30 in the morning, because at that time my grandfather opened the door for us, and we were as frozen as an ice cube, because the weather in "La Tirana" is so cold at midnight.
So murphy's law punished us, and since that day, I never forget to spend my birthday with my family first.
{I enjoyed making these paragraphs because I wrote about something that I really like that is winter. Also I feel very happy when I wrote it because I realized that I made less grammar mistakes, and because I was more familiar with punctuation, so it was easy for me the fact of connecting ideas and not losing the sense of the main idea}
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